Free 8th Grade Classifying And Creating Scatter Plots - Ms. Haley 709 Lesson Plan

Topic: Classifying and Creating Scatter Plots

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to classify data by using a scatter plot.
  • Students will be able to create a scatter plot using M&M's.


  • Graph paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencils and erasers
  • M&Ms


  • Ask students to recall what a scatter plot is and what it is used for.
  • Have students work in pairs to classify the given data set as either linear or non-linear.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to students that a scatter plot is a way of visualizing the relationship between two numerical variables.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a new data set and have them work in pairs to create a scatter plot and add a trendline.
  • Have students share their results with the class and discuss the implications.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete a gallery walk with 3 stops.
  • Stop 1 Students will classify scatterplots.
  • Stop 2 Error analysis of student work.
  • Stop 2-Students create their own scatter plot.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity to assess their ability to create and classify scatter plots.

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