What Is Ai

Topic: What is Artificial Intelligence?

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand what artificial intelligence (AI) is and how it differs from other types of computer technology
  • Explore the potential benefits and risks of AI and determine whether AI is likely to replace humans in the workplace
  • Gain insight into the current and future applications of AI in various industries


  • Computer or tablet with internet access
  • Textbook or other resource materials on AI


  • Begin by asking students what they know about AI. What words or phrases do they typically use to describe it?
  • Write their responses on the board and discuss as a class.
  • Ask students if they have ever used a device or application that uses AI, such as a personal assistant app on their smartphone. What functions does the app perform? How do they think it is able to carry out those functions?

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by reviewing the definitions of AI and natural intelligence (NI). AI is the ability of a machine or algorithm to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and speech recognition. NI is the intelligence that humans and other animals possess, including the ability to learn, adapt, and feel emotions.
  • Discuss some of the applications of AI, such as self-driving cars, speech recognition, and personal assistants.
  • Introduce the concept of deep learning, which is a type of AI that uses neural networks to learn and make decisions.
  • Using the handouts, discuss the key components of deep learning, including data, neural networks, and training.
  • Discuss potential ethical concerns related to AI, such as the potential for AI to be biased or make decisions that are not in the best interest of humans.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to create a short presentation on a specific AI application, such as self-driving cars or speech recognition.
  • Have each pair present their presentation to the class and discuss any new insights or information.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a specific AI application that interests them and research it in depth.
  • Students should create a project that demonstrates the practical application of their chosen AI application, such as creating a virtual assistant or designing a self-driving car simulator.


  • Review the key concepts and applications of AI discussed in the lesson.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they learned and how it impacts their understanding of AI.
  • Encourage students to share their projects with the class and discuss the challenges and successes they experienced during the project-development process.


  • Observe students during the guided-practice and independent-practice activities to assess their understanding of the key concepts and applications of AI.
  • Evaluate the projects created during the independent-practice activity to assess students' ability to apply their understanding of AI in a real-world context.

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