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Introducing how to write a short story or ebook
How can we combine work and free time
Themes presented in The Giver
Understanding the 12 verb tenses and proving examples
It's used to express habits and facts
devils arithmetic
Theme, Sequence, Author's Purpose, Plot
Intro to main idea
eat well, live well
how are conclusions stated directly
An inductive and implicit lesson showing all of the possible uses of the past simple in English.
Correct use of the verb be
Explaining the difference between assonance and alliteration and getting examples for them from a text given.
Explaining direct and indirect speech using group work activities
Construct sentences using compound and complex sentence.
Adapt speech purposefully in a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts to maximize its impact on the audience
Understanding active and passive verbs through sentences with A1 level.
How to create setting and atmosphere in the story
what is fiction
How this sounds could be related to the meaning of the poem
building on poetry to describe a scene
Writing a poem applying the punctuation
After reading a short story, how do you identify the main character of a story
analyze Theme for a Christmas Carol
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