Writing An Essay

Topic: Writing an Essay


    1. Students will be able to outline and draft an essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

      2. Students will be able to effectively revise their essays for organization, coherence, and clarity.

        National Standards:

        • Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.2)
        • National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Standards 1 and 2


        • Whiteboard and markers
        • Paper and pencils
        • Sample essay for analysis
        • Rubric for essay writing


          Open-ended question: "What do you think are the essential components of a well-written essay?"

            Direct Instruction:

              1. Define the purpose of an essay and discuss the structure (introduction, body, conclusion).

                2. Model how to outline an essay by selecting a topic, brainstorming ideas, and creating a thesis statement.

                  3. Explain the importance of transitions between paragraphs for coherence.

                    4. Review strategies for revising and editing an essay for clarity and organization.

                      Guided Practice:

                        Activity: Essay Outline Activity

                        • Divide students into small groups.
                        • Provide each group with a different topic to outline an essay on.
                        • Instruct students to work together to create an outline that includes a clear introduction, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
                        • Monitor and provide guidance as needed.

                        Independent Practice:

                          Project-Based Activity: Essay Writing Assignment

                          • Assign students to write an essay on a topic of their choice.
                          • Provide clear guidelines for organization, coherence, and revision.
                          • Encourage students to use peer review to receive feedback on their drafts.
                          • Allow time for students to revise and edit their essays before submission.


                            Closure Activity: Pair and Share

                            • Instruct students to pair up and share one thing they learned about writing essays today.
                            • As a class, discuss any challenges or questions that arose during the lesson.


                            • Evaluate students' essays based on organization, coherence, and clarity using a rubric.
                            • Provide feedback on areas for improvement and commend strengths in their writing.

                            Differentiation for Students with Special Needs:

                              1. Provide visual aids and graphic organizers for students who benefit from visual prompts.

                                2. Offer alternative forms of expression, such as allowing students to dictate their essays or create multimedia presentations.

                                  3. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps for students who may struggle with organization or writing fluency.

                                    4. Provide additional time and support for students who require extra assistance during the drafting and revising process.

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