8th Grade Use Appropriate Grammatical Signals Or Expressions Suitable To Each Pattern Of Idea Development: Cause-Effect Lesson Plan Example (English)

Topic: Cause and effect

Objectives & Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to identify cause-effect relationships in daily life and in text.
  • Students will be able to use cause-effect relationships to develop and organize their ideas in writing.


  • Examples of texts with cause-effect relationships (e.g. news articles, fiction stories)
  • Handouts with examples of cause-effect relationships and guidelines for using them
  • Writing prompts related to cause-effect relationships


  • Begin the class by asking students to think about a recent news story that caught their attention. Have them share their examples with the class and discuss what elements in the story caused them to pay attention.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of cause and effect writing, and explain that it is a type of writing that shows how one event or action leads to another.
  • Provide examples of cause and effect writing, such as a recipe that describes the steps needed to make a dish or a news article that explains the events that led to a particular outcome.
  • Discuss the importance of using appropriate grammatical signals or expressions to indicate cause and effect, such as "because" or "since."

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a short passage that contains cause and effect writing, and ask them to identify and label the cause and effect phrases in the passage.
  • Have students work in pairs to take turns reading passages with cause and effect writing, and have them identify and label the cause and effect phrases in the passage.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic that they are interested in or that is relevant to them, and write a short passage about that topic using cause and effect writing.
  • Have students proofread their passage for grammatical accuracy, paying special attention to the use of cause and effect writing.


  • Have students share their cause and effect writing with the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on their own use of cause and effect writing in their own writing and how it helps to organize their thoughts.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and give feedback on their use of cause and effect writing.
  • Evaluate students' class presentations based on their ability to effectively convey the cause and effect relationships in their writing.
  • Administer a quiz or test to assess students' grasp of the concept of cause and effect and their ability to use it in writing.

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