Free 8th Grade Pixar Shorts: Lava, Jack Jack Attack, And Feast Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Pixar Shorts: Lava, Jack Jack Attack, and Feast

Objectives & Outcomes-Students will be able to identify the theme, sequence, and author's purpose of a Pixar short.

  • Students will be able to summarize the plot of a Pixar short and identify its key events.

Materials-Copies of the Pixar shorts Lava, Jack Jack Attack, and Feast

  • Note cards or post-it notes
  • Pen or pencil


  • Begin the lesson by asking students to think about the different types of movies they are familiar with. Ask them to mention examples such as action, adventure, comedy, etc.
  • Next, ask students if they have seen any Pixar movies before. If so, ask them to name a few.
  • Then, show a brief clip from a Pixar movie (optional) and ask students to pay attention to the characters, setting, and storyline.
  • Finally, ask students to identify the type of movie they think it is (action, adventure, etc.).

Direct Instruction

  • Define the term "theme" and explain that it refers to the central idea or message of a work of literature or film.
  • Provide examples of themes from Pixar shorts (e.g. friendship in "Lava," perseverance in "Jack Jack Attack," etc.)
  • Define the term "sequence" and explain that it refers to the order in which events happen in a work of literature or film.
  • Provide examples of sequences from Pixar shorts (e.g. Lava is the first short, followed by Jack Jack Attack, and then Feast).
  • Define the term "author's purpose" and explain that it refers to the reason an author wrote a work of literature or film.
  • Provide examples of author's purposes from Pixar shorts (e.g. to entertain, to inspire, to teach a lesson, etc.).

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different Pixar short.
  • Have the groups analyze the short using the terms and concepts introduced in the direct instruction portion of the lesson.
  • Have each group share their findings with the class, allowing for a class discussion on the themes, sequences, and author's purposes of the various Pixar shorts.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the Pixar shorts to analyze on their own.
  • Provide students with a worksheet or checklist that allows them to record their analysis of the theme, sequence, and author's purpose of the chosen short.
  • Allow students to complete the worksheet or checklist individually or in small groups.


  • Have students share their findings on the theme, sequence, and author's purpose of the chosen Pixar short with the class.
  • Encourage students to articulate their understanding of these elements of storytelling and how they were used in the short.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they learned about theme, sequence, and author's purpose during the lesson.


  • Observe students during their independent practice to see if they are able to identify the theme, sequence, and author's purpose of their chosen short and effectively communicate their understanding.
  • Evaluate students' participation during the group discussion to assess their understanding of the elements of storytelling in the short.
  • Administer a quiz at a later date to assess students' retention of the elements of storytelling and their ability to identify them in a short.

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