How To Identify The Main Character Lesson Plan for 8th Grade Example Students

Topic: How to Identify the Main Character in a Short Story

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the main character in a short story.


  • Short story or excerpt from a short story
  • Pen or pencil for each student
  • Paper for students to take notes on


  • Ask students to share their favorite short story or fictional character.
  • As students share their favorite stories and characters, write them on the board.
  • Ask students to share why they like these stories and characters.
  • As students share their reasons, add these to the list on the board.
  • Explain that today, we will be learning how to identify the main character in a short story.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the main character in a story.
  • Explain that the main character is the person or thing that is most important or central to the story.
  • Show examples of main characters from short stories that the students have already read.
  • Ask students to identify the main character in the example stories.
  • Explain that there are several ways to identify the main character in a story, including:
  • Directly stated or implied in the story: The main character is often identified directly by the author or implied by the actions and words of the characters.
  • Through analyzing the character's actions, thoughts, and feelings: By looking at how the character behaves, what they think and feel, and how they interact with other characters, we can often determine who the main character is.
  • Through analyzing the character's relationship to the conflict or central problem in the story: The main character is often the person who is most affected by or involved in the central conflict or problem in the story.
  • Ask students to think about the main character in one of the short stories they have already read.
  • Have students identify the main character in their chosen story using the above methods.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a different short story to read and analyze.
  • Ask groups to identify the main character in their story and explain their choice using the above methods.
  • Have students share their answers with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a short story or excerpt from a novel to read independently.
  • Ask students to identify the main character in their story and explain their choice using the above methods.
  • Have students write a short paragraph explaining their choice and why they think the character is the main character.


  • Review the steps for identifying the main character in a story.
  • Ask students to share any insights or thoughts they had while practicing identifying the main character.


  • Observe students during the guided practice activity and take note of their ability to identify the main character accurately.
  • Have students complete a worksheet in which they must identify the main character in a variety of short stories.
  • Administer a quiz in which students must identify the main character in a short story and explain their choice.

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