English Grammar Lesson Plan for 8th Grade Students

Topic: English grammar

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and use different types of english grammar in a variety of practical situations.


  • Examples of english grammar usage (e.g. quotes from books, speeches, etc.)
  • Dictionaries for verb conjugation
  • Grammar handouts for reference


  • Ask students to tick the statement that is grammatically correct:
  • I have never read a harry potter book. (has, have)
  • Harry potter is one of my favourite novels. (novels, favourite)
  • Have the students share their answers and discuss any mistakes they made.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of english grammar. Explain that it is the set of rules that governs how words are used and combined to form sentences.
  • Show students a few examples of correct and incorrect grammar using posters or handouts. Encourage them to ask questions if they do not understand anything.

Guided Practice

  • Show students an example of a sentence with incorrect grammar and ask them to correct it. Do the same with a sentence with correct grammar.
  • As a class, discuss the differences between the two examples.
  • Have students work in pairs to identify and correct any errors in grammar in a set of sentences.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a list of grammar rules and have them choose several to focus on.
  • Have them create a project that demonstrates how they use the chosen grammar rules in everyday speech and writing. This could be a presentation, a poster, a short essay, etc.


  • Discuss as a class the importance of english grammar and how knowing the rules can help us to speak and write more clearly.
  • Ask students to share their projects and discuss the importance of using the chosen grammar rules in everyday speech and writing.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the chosen grammar rules.
  • Collect and review the projects to assess each student's ability to apply the rules of english grammar in their writing.

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