8th Grade Describing A Landmark Lesson Plan Example (English)

Topic: Describing A Landmark

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe a landmark using specific details and language.


  • Landmark photo or drawing
  • Pencils
  • Paper


  • Ask students if they have ever visited a landmark before. Have them share their experience and what made the landmark special to them.
  • Show students a photo of a landmark and ask them to describe what they see.

Direct Instruction

  • Define the term "landmark" as a significant or famous place.
  • Discuss the importance of describing landmarks in writing. Landmarks can be described using a variety of sensory details, which can help readers to visualize the landmark and make the writing more engaging.
  • Have students work in pairs to brainstorm ideas for describing a landmark. Encourage them to think about its physical features (e.g. size, color, shape) as well as its historical or cultural significance.
  • Have students share their ideas with the class and write them on the board.

Guided Practice

  • Have students choose one of their brainstormed landmarks and write a short paragraph describing it. Encourage them to use as many sensory details as possible and to avoid generalities.
  • Have students share their paragraphs with a partner and provide constructive feedback on their writing.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose another landmark from their brainstormed list and write a short paragraph describing it. Again, encourage them to use as many sensory details as possible and to avoid generalities.
  • Have students use the paragraph they wrote for practice to write a short description of a landmark from a book or movie they have read or watched. Encourage them to use as many sensory details as possible and to avoid generalities.


  • Have students share their paragraphs and descriptions with the class and discuss the techniques they used to include more details and avoid generalities.
  • Review the importance of using sensory details and avoiding generalities in writing.


  • Collect the paragraphs and descriptions written by students and evaluate them based on the use of sensory details and the avoidance of generalities.
  • Provide feedback and support to students as needed.

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