Creative Writing

Topic: creative writing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to express a main idea in a creative writing piece using supporting details.


  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Examples of creative writing (e.g. poems, stories, letters)


  • Review the concept of main idea and supporting details.
  • Have students brainstorm a list of things they might write about in a creative writing piece.
  • Review the list with the students and discuss the importance of conveying a main idea in a creative writing piece using supporting details.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of the creative writing piece (e.g. "My favorite animal").
  • Have students brainstorm a list of potential supporting details for the main idea (e.g. "They are cute, they make noises, they have sharp claws").
  • Model how to organize the main idea and supporting details into a pyramid structure, with the main idea at the top and the supporting details below.
  • Have students practice organizing main ideas and supporting details into pyramids using different writing prompts.

Guided Practice

  • Have students write a creative writing piece using a pyramid structure to organize their main idea and supporting details.
  • Have students share their pieces with a partner for feedback and editing.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic of their own choice and use a pyramid structure to organize their main idea and supporting details in a creative writing piece.


  • Have students share their finished creative writing pieces with the rest of the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on their own process of using a pyramid structure to organize their main idea and supporting details in a creative writing piece.


  • Observe students during their independent practice and give feedback on their use of a pyramid structure in their creative writing pieces.
  • Evaluate the finished creative writing pieces for the presence of a clearly stated main idea and supporting details.
  • Use this assessment to inform your instruction and support student learning throughout the unit.

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