Active And Passive Voice

Topic: Active and Passive Voice


    1. Students will be able to identify and differentiate between active and passive voice in sentences.

      2. Students will be able to use active and passive voice appropriately in their own writing.

        National Standards:

        • Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts:

        - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

          - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.7.3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.


            • Whiteboard and markers
            • Examples of sentences in active and passive voice
            • Paper and pencils for students
            • Projector or audio-visual equipment for multimedia presentations


              Open-ended question: "Can you think of a situation where you would use active voice in writing?"

                Direct Instruction:

                  1. Define and explain the difference between active and passive voice.

                    2. Provide examples of sentences in both active and passive voice to illustrate the concept.

                      3. Discuss when to use each voice in writing and the impact it can have on the reader.

                        Guided Practice:

                          Active Learning Strategy: Role Play

                            1. Divide students into pairs or small groups.

                              2. Provide them with a scenario or situation.

                                3. Ask them to create a dialogue between characters using both active and passive voice.

                                  4. Have students perform their dialogues for the class and identify which sentences are in active and passive voice.

                                    Independent Practice:

                                      Project-Based Activity: Writing a News Report

                                        1. Instruct students to write a news report on a current event using both active and passive voice.

                                          2. Encourage them to pay attention to the tone and impact of each voice on the reader.

                                            3. Allow students to present their reports to the class or create a class newspaper showcasing their work.


                                                Closure Activity: Sentence Sort

                                                  1. Have students work independently or in small groups to sort a list of sentences into categories of active and passive voice.

                                                    2. Discuss the choices and reasoning behind their classifications as a class.


                                                      • Assess students' ability to differentiate between active and passive voice in sentences through participation in role play, writing activities, and sentence sorts.
                                                      • Evaluate students' writing assignments based on their use of active and passive voice in their news reports.

                                                      Differentiation for Students with Special Needs:

                                                      • Provide visual aids and examples to support understanding.
                                                      • Offer scaffolding by providing sentence stems or prompts for students struggling with writing.
                                                      • Allow for alternative forms of assessment such as verbal explanations or visual presentations for students with difficulty writing.

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