8th Grade Identify Hazards And Risk Lesson Plan Example (Computer Hardware Servicing)

Topic: Identify Hazards and Risks

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify hazards and risks in their workplace and their corresponding indicators.


  • List of common workplace hazards and risks
  • List of corresponding indicators of hazards and risks
  • Examples of workplace hazard and risk scenarios


  • Ask students to share examples of hazards and risks they encounter at their workplace.
  • Discuss the different types of hazards and risks that can be encountered in the workplace and their corresponding indicators.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain the importance of identifying hazards and risks in the workplace and the implications of not doing so.
  • Discuss the company procedures for identifying hazards and risks and their corresponding indicators.
  • Provide examples of how to identify hazards and risks using the company procedures.

Guided Practice

  • Go over the company procedures for identifying hazards and risks and their corresponding indicators with the learners.
  • Have the learners work in pairs to identify hazards and risks in a given scenario using the company procedures.
  • Have the pairs share their answers with the class and discuss any differences or challenges they faced.

Independent Practice

  • Have the learners work individually or in pairs to identify hazards and risks in a given scenario.
  • Have the learners create a project that presents their findings and includes a plan for preventing or mitigating any identified hazards and risks. This could be a written report, a presentation, or another format of the learners' choice.


  • Review the key concepts covered during the lesson, including the definition of hazards and risks, the importance of identifying them, and the process for doing so.
  • Have the learners share their projects with the class, providing an opportunity for the rest of the group to discuss and learn from each other's findings and plans.


  • Observe the learners during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their ability to identify hazards and risks and develop corresponding plans.
  • Collect the completed projects and evaluate them based on their thoroughness, comprehensiveness, and overall effectiveness.

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