8th Grade All About Cellular Respiration!! Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Cellular Respiration...What is it?


  • Diagrams of a cell and its organelles
  • Puzzles connected to Cellular Respiration


  • Ask them to think about the different ways that their body gets energy to function. What do they eat and drink? How does their body break down the food and turn it into energy?
  • Write their ideas on the board and discuss as a class.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining the basics of cellular respiration: how oxygen is used to break down food molecules and release energy.
  • Use the diagrams to provide more detailed information on the process of cellular respiration, including the different steps and molecules involved.

Plan for Biochemistry Class:

  • Have students work in small groups to complete a puzzle on cellular respiration.
  • Provide assistance and guidance as needed.
  • Encourage students to use their new knowledge of the process to answer questions and solve problems.
  • After completing the puzzles, review the answers as a class.
  • Have students choose a type of food or a specific food item to research.
  • Have them use a worksheet or Google Slideshow to collect information about the type of food they chose, including its chemical makeup, the process of cellular respiration, and any other information they find interesting.4
  • Have them present their slideshows next class!!

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