Nitrogen Cycle And Classification In Biology Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Example Students

Topic: Aquaponics

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to classify various types of plants and animals in an aquaponics system.
  • Students will be able to describe the role of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle in an aquaponics system.


  • Images of various types of plants and animals
  • Diagram of the nitrogen cycle in an aquaponics system
  • Pen and paper for each student


  • Ask students if they have ever heard of aquaponics before.
  • Ask them to describe what they know about aquaponics.
  • Next, show them a few images of different types of plants and animals that can be grown in an aquaponics system. Ask them to classify the plants and animals according to their type (e.g. plant, animal, etc.).

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining the nitrogen cycle in an aquaponics system.
  • Use a diagram or model of the nitrogen cycle to demonstrate how nitrogen is absorbed, converted, and then released back into the system by the plants and bacteria.
  • Next, explain the classification of living things in an aquaponics system.
  • Use a handout or worksheet to guide the discussion. Ask students to explain the characteristics or traits that classify each type of plant or animal (e.g. characteristics of plants include their ability to produce their own food through photosynthesis, while characteristics of animals include their need to consume food produced by other organisms).
  • If time permits, you can also discuss the different types of aquaponics systems (e.g. deep water aquaponics, floating aquaponics, etc.).

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a diagram or model of an aquaponics system and have them identify the different types of plants and animals present in the system.
  • Have students work in small groups to identify and label the different parts of the system, including the fish tank, grow bed, pump, and filter.
  • As a class, discuss the purpose of each component and how they contribute to the function of the system.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a copy of the Aquaponics Cycle and Classification in Biology worksheet and have them complete the activity.
  • Encourage students to use their diagrams or models of an aquaponics system to complete the activity.


  • Review the key points of the lesson with the students.
  • Ask students to share any new understandings or questions about the nitrogen cycle and classifications in an aquaponics system.
  • Remind students that aquaponics combines aquaculture and hydroponics to create sustainable food production in an closed-loop system.


  • Observe students during the group and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and grade the students' presentations or projects as appropriate.

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