Free 7th Grade Fall Free Lesson Plan

Topic: Fall Free Practical Activity for Kids

Objectives & Outcomes

  • introduce kids to the concept of free fall and its causes
  • motivate kids to explore and understand free fall through hands-on activities


  • wooden blocks of different sizes
  • a ruler or meter stick
  • a balance
  • a piece of paper and a pen


  • Ask the kids to stand in a straight line. Place a wooden block on the head of the first kid and ask him or her to carefully pass the block to the next kid, without dropping or bumping it. Continue passing until the last kid in the line catches the block without dropping it. Gather the kids to discuss their experience. What did they notice? Did the block ever fall to the ground? Why or why not?

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of static electricity and its effect on materials. Explain that materials that are oppositely charged (such as positive and negative) can attract each other, while materials with the same charge (such as positive and positive or negative and negative) can repel each other. Show the kids some materials that are oppositely charged (such as a comb and a balloon) and some that are the same charge (such as two balloons). Ask them to observe how the materials interact with each other.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the kids into pairs and give each pair a tray with some materials (such as a comb, a balloon, a piece of wool, a piece of paper, and a piece of metal). Have them work together to see if they can make the comb and balloon stick to each other, or make the two balloons repel each other. Have them explain their observations and how they are making the materials behave.

Independent Practice

  • Have the kids work in small groups to create a science fair project that demonstrates a force and its effects on materials. They can use the materials provided, as well as any additional items they want to include. Each group should present their project to the class and explain their findings.


  • Review the forces studied in the lesson and how they affect different materials. Ask the students to share any new insights or understandings they gained during the activity.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their understanding of the concept of force and how it affects different materials. Also, assess whether the students were able to effectively demonstrate their understanding through the independent practice project.

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