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Students will learn how the four seasons happen.
How does cell biology come into play with aquaponics
How does genetics come into play with aquaponics
students are able to investigate changes in energy forms that occur in various activities and factors that influence the amount of work observed from various activities in daily life.
An introduction to what science is and what it means.
What are the classifications of living things in an aquaponics system?
determine the properties of solids and liquids. distinguish between solids and liquids
How does weather work?
chracteristic of matter
rules and observations to be observed in a science lab
P.7.5a.1 Collect and evaluate qualitative data to describe substance, using physical properties( state, boiling/melting point, density, heat/electrical conductivity, color and magnetic properties).
Distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter
air quality in New York
Life cycle of a Frog
Herbivores, canivores, omnivores producers consumers primary consumers , secondary consumers
ways are plants important to animals, plants that are important to the eastern region of the United States, plants that are at risk in the eastern region
introduce safety and tools used in science investigations
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different phenomena that occur in the atmosphere;shall be able to analyze the advantage of the location of the philippines in relation to climate,weather,seasons;discuss how the energy from the sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere
what is the human cell structure develop infographic
how seasons occur
why there is only wet and dry seasons in the philippines?
Describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts of wavelength, velocity, and amplitude
Types of chemical reactions
describe the two pronounce moonsoons in the phillipines
relationship of the seasons and the position of the Sun in the sky
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