7th Grade Five Children And It Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Telling and retelling stories

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand and retell a simple story in English.


  • A picture book with a simple story
  • Scrap paper and pencils/crayons for each student


  • Ask the students if they have ever heard a story before.
  • Ask them to think of a story they know and tell it to the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the story "Five Children and It" by saying that it is a story about five children who find a magic sand fairy that can give them wishes, but only for a limited time.
  • Ask the students to listen carefully as you read the story to them.
  • As you read, pause at appropriate places to ask the students questions about what is happening in the story and to encourage them to make predictions about what might happen next.

Guided Practice

  • After you have finished reading the story, discuss it with the students. Ask them what they thought of the story and if they had any questions about it.
  • Next, ask the students to work with a partner to make a list of the characters in the story and their respective roles.
  • Finally, have the students use the story mapping template (or a similar graphic organizer) to organize the important events of the story in chronological order.

Independent Practice

  • Once the students have completed their story maps, have them work in small groups to create a story using the characters from the picture book. They should use the information from the story to guide their choices, but they should also be encouraged to be creative and add their own twists to the story.
  • Encourage the students to use English as much as possible when communicating with each other.


  • Have the students share their completed stories with the class.
  • Using the picture book as a reference, have the students explain the key points of their stories.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their ability to include key points from the picture book in their own stories.
  • Collect and review the students' completed stories to assess their understanding of the narrative structure and their ability to write in English.

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