Acidentals Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: Accidentals

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and name the seven musical accidentals.


  • Music sheets with examples of each accidental
  • Pencils and erasers


  • Ask students what they know about musical notes and pitch.
  • Play a few examples of music with different pitches and ask students to identify the high and low pitches.
  • Ask students if they have ever heard of the term 'accidental' before. Ask them to explain what it is.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of accidentals and their function in music. Explain that accidentals are symbols that appear next to a note to indicate a change in its pitch.
  • Use the whiteboard to demonstrate how to use each accidental. Show how to raise a note by a semitone using the sharp symbol (#), and how to lower a note by a semitone using the flat symbol (b).
  • Explain that there are also two other kinds of accidentals: the natural symbol (n) and the sharp-flat symbol (sharpsharp-flat).
  • The natural symbol indicates that a note is intended to be played at its natural, unaltered pitch.
  • The sharp-flat symbol indicates that a note is intended to be played at a pitch that is one semitone higher or lower than its written pitch.
  • Use examples from the warm-up phase to demonstrate how to use accidentals in music.


  • Use the warm-up worksheets to have students practice identifying and writing the correct accidental for each note. These worksheets can be completed as individual or group work.
  • Assist students as needed and provide feedback and encouragement.

Independent Practice

  • Have students use the blank staff to write a passage with one or more notes that require an accidental.
  • Encourage students to check their work for accuracy and to justify the accidental(s) they have written.


  • Review the names of the accidentals and the notes to which they apply.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about accidentals during the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided practice activity to assess their understanding of the concept of accidentals and the notes to which they apply.
  • Collect and review their completed worksheets to assess their ability to apply the names and symbols of the accidentals to the correct notes.

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