Volume Of Cuboid Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students Example

Topic: Finding the volume of a cuboid (a rectangular parallelepiped)

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to calculate the volume of a cuboid given its dimensions.


  • Calculator or computer
  • Notebook paper and pencils


  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what a cuboid is and provide a brief description.
  • Ask students to give examples of cuboids they have seen in real life or in pictures.
  • Write their examples on the board or a chart-Discuss the different ways to measure the dimensions of a cuboid and how they are related to its volume.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students a cube made out of a material such as cardboard or Styrofoam.
  • Have students measure each side of the cube using a ruler and record the values in a table.
  • Explain that the volume of a cuboid is the amount of space it occupies and is calculated by multiplying the length × width × height.
  • Have students repeat the process for a second cube with different dimensions and explain how the volume changes as the dimensions of the cube change.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to measure and calculate the volume of a third cube using the formula length × width × height.
  • Have students compare their results and discuss how the volume changes as the dimensions of the cube change.
  • Have students use the formula to calculate the volume of a fourth cube with different dimensions and explain how the volume changes as the dimensions of the cube change.
  • Have students discuss how the volume of a cuboid changes as the dimensions of the cube change.

Independent Practice

  • Have students use the formula to calculate the volume of a variety of cuboids with different dimensions.
  • Have students draw a graph showing the volume of the cuboid versus the dimensions of the cube.
  • Have students use their graph to predict the volume of cuboids with different dimensions.


  • Review the formula for calculating the volume of a cuboid.
  • Ask students to give examples of objects that have the same volume but different dimensions.
  • Ask students to give examples of objects that have different volumes but the same dimensions.


  • Collect and assess their written work for understanding of the formula for calculating the volume of a cuboid, as well as their ability to give examples of objects that have the same volume but different dimensions and objects that have different volumes but the same dimensions.
  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and assess their ability to correctly calculate the volume of the cuboids given their dimensions.

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