Free 7th Grade Students Learn How To Sort, Count, And Make Change Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Money and Making Change

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to sort fake money by worth of currency.
  • Students will be able to count fake money in the correct increments.
  • Students will be able to make change after "purchases."


  • Fake money
  • Blank paper and pencils/pens for writing calculations
  • Calculator for making change


  • Show students a handful of money and ask them to sort the money by worth of currency (e.g. pennies, nickels, dimes, etc.).
  • Have students count out loud as they count each coin.
  • Ask students to share if they had any difficulties sorting the money or counting the coins.

Direct Instruction

  • Distribute the fake money to the students and explain the purpose of sorting the money by worth of currency.
  • Review how to make change for various purchases using pennies, nickels, dimes, and dollars.
  • Demonstrate how to make change using a calculator and real money.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs and give them a stack of bills and a calculator.
  • Have them make change for various purchases using their calculator and fake money.
  • Review the calculations and answer any questions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in small groups and create a budget for a hypothetical family.
  • Each group will be given a set amount of fake money and will use it to purchase items for their budget.
  • Groups will create a budget plan and present it to the class.


  • Review the concepts learned during the lesson, including how to sort, count, and make change with
  • fake money.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned during the lesson.


  • Observe students during sorting and counting activities to ensure they are using the correct
  • methods.
  • Check the change made by students after "purchases" to ensure they have made the correct
  • amounts.
  • Ask students to explain how they would make change for a "purchase" and gauge their understanding of the concept.

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