7th Grade Square Root Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic:Square Root

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, I will be able to find the square root of a given number
  • I will be able to explain the process for finding the square root of a number


  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • Calculator (optional)


  • Ask the students if they have heard of the term "square root." Ask them to give an example of a square root.
  • Explain that the square root of a number is the number that, when multiplied by itself, produces the original number. For example, the square root of 4 is 2 because 2*2=4.

Direct Instruction

  • Write the number 4 on the board and ask the students to find the square root.
  • Ask them to use their knowledge of multiplication to find the square root.
  • Once they have found the square root, ask them to write it in decimal form.
  • Explain that there is also a quicker way to find the square root, using the square root function on a calculator.
  • Show the students how to use the square root function on the calculator, and then have them try it on their own with different numbers.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs and give each pair a set of numbers to square.
  • Have them use the calculator to find the square roots and write them in decimal form.
  • Then have the pairs compare their answers and discuss any differences.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose one of the numbers in the set and find the square root using long division.
  • Have them write the answer in decimal form and explain the steps they used to find it.


  • Review the steps for finding the square root of a number using long division.
  • Ask the students to share any questions or concerns they have about the lesson.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and review the students' completed worksheets to assess their ability to use long division to find the square roots of numbers up to 100.

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