7th Grade Geometry Of Straight Lines Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Geometry of straight lines

Topic: Geometry of straight lines

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the properties of straight lines, including definition, perpendicularity, and parallelism.


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Straight lines drawn on the board (optional)


  • Ask students to think of a straight line they have seen before. Ask them to describe the property that makes it straight.
  • Write their responses on the board (e.g. "no bends", "lies in a single plane").
  • Ask students if they can think of any other examples of straight lines. Write their responses on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Define straight line as a line that lies in a single plane and does not bend.
  • Show students some examples of straight lines (e.g. a ruler, a pencil, a road).
  • Ask students to identify the properties of the straight lines (e.g. length, color, material).
  • Ask students to identify the geometric properties of the straight lines (e.g. length, width, vertices).
  • Explain that to draw a straight line, we use a ruler or a straight edge.

Guided Practice

  • Show students how to use a ruler or a straight edge to draw a straight line.
  • Have students work in pairs and give each pair a ruler or a straight edge.
  • Have students draw a straight line on a blank piece of paper, with guidance from the teacher.
  • Have students present their straight lines to the class and discuss their geometric and


Independent Practice

  • Have students work in groups and use the ruler or straight edge to draw several

straight lines on a blank piece of paper.

  • Have each group share their straight lines with the class and discuss their geometric

and properties.


  • Remind students of the different properties of straight lines and how they can be used

in geometry.

  • Ask students to share one example of each property and how it can be used.


  • Observe students during the group work activity to assess their understanding of the different

properties of straight lines and how they can be used in geometry.

  • Collect and review the completed worksheets to assess students' ability to apply the

different properties of straight lines in solving geometry problems.

  • Administer a quiz at a later date to assess students' understanding of straight lines and their

geometric properties.

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