7th Grade Adding Integers Lesson Plan Example (Math)

Topic: adding integers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use a number line to add integers.


  • A number line
  • Arrays of numbers representing integers (can be created with arrays Maker or by creating arrays on a whiteboard or paper)
  • Pencils and paper for students to make their own practice problems


  • Review what an integer is and what integers look like (e.g. -5, -12, -23, etc.)

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the number line and how it represents numbers.
  • Show students how to add integers using the number line.
  • Demonstrate how to start at the end points of the two integers being added and then use the number line to find the answer in between.
  • Show examples of adding integers with a small number of digits (e.g. -13 + 4 = -9).
  • Then, show examples with a larger number of digits (e.g. -23 + 12 = -11).

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete a series of adding integer problems on their own number lines.
  • Provide assistance as needed and check for understanding.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete a number line addition challenge, in which they must use their number lines to find the sum of multiple integers in a given range (e.g. -7 to -2).
  • Encourage students to use their spatial reasoning skills and concrete experiences with the number line to find the answers.


  • Review the steps for adding integers on a number line, and ask students to share any questions or challenges they had with the activity. Understanding How to Add Integers on a Number Line
  • Integers are numbers without any fractions or decimals.
  • Adding integers means joining two numbers and finding the result.
  • To add two integers on a number line, we must use the opposite directions (i.e. if the first number is to the left, the second number must be to the right).
  • The sum of two integers is always between 0 and the maximum integer.

Adding Integers Worksheet

  • Print out the worksheet and have students fill in the missing integers.
  • After students have completed the worksheet, have them share their answers with the class.
  • Encourage students to discuss any challenges they had with the activity.

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