Free Modern History Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: How is Modern History different than the present?

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the unique characteristics and developments of the modern era.


  • Short clips from news programs, documentaries, or other media sources that highlight key events and trends from the modern era
  • Handout with key dates and concepts from the modern era


  • Ask students what they know about the modern era. Encourage them to share examples of key events, people, or developments they remember from class or have heard about in the news.
  • As a class, create a list of important events, people, and concepts from the modern era.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the modern era as the period of time from the late 18th century to the present day.
  • Using the list of key events, people, and developments from the warm-up, discuss the key characteristics and themes of the modern era. Examples include:
  • Industrialization and the rise of capitalism
  • Changes in society, including increased urbanization and the rise of democracy and feminism
  • Exploration and colonization of new territories
  • Use the timeline and handouts to provide additional context and information about key events and developments from the modern era.

Guided Practice: Understanding the Modern Era

  • Working in small groups, have students use the list of key events, people, and developments from the warm-up to create a visual representation of the modern era. Examples include:
  • A timeline on poster paper
  • A mind map
  • A diagram using graphic organizers
  • Have students share their visual representations with the class and use the warm-back to discuss and explain their choices.
  • Ask students to identify the key characteristics and themes of the modern era reflected in their visual representations.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one key event, person, or development from the list of key events, people, and developments from the warm-up and create a short paragraph about it.
  • Have students use the resources provided in the warm-up to find additional information about their chosen topic and add it to their paragraph.
  • Have students share their paragraphs with the class and use the warm-back to discuss and explain their choices.
  • Ask students to identify the key characteristics and themes of the modern era reflected in their paragraphs.


  • Review the key characteristics and themes of the modern era discussed in the warm-up.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about modern history and how it compares to their own personal experiences.


  • Use the mural they created as their final assessment, evaluating their understanding of the key characteristics and themes of the modern era.

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