7th Grade Kansas History Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Mapping Kansas

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to create a conceptual map of the state of Kansas using a variety of geographical features and information.


  • Handouts with information and instructions on how to create a conceptual map
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Large piece of paper or poster board
  • Computer with internet access (optional)


  • Begin the class by asking students to brainstorm a list of geographical features that they think would be important to include on a map of Kansas. Possible ideas could include rivers, cities, mountains, deserts, etc. Write their ideas on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Next, provide students with a blank map of Kansas and ask them to draw in the geographical features that they suggested in the warm-up.
  • As they are working, ask them to consider how the features they are drawing are related to each other and how they help to define the unique characteristics of Kansas.
  • Once the students have finished creating their maps, discuss their ideas and thoughts about Kansas geography as a group.

Guided Practice:

  • Next, provide students with examples of physical, social, and economic geographic features and ask them to work in small groups to identify and define each feature.
  • As a class, create a visual display of the examples and discuss how each one contributes to the unique characteristics of Kansas.
  • Finally, ask the students to think of other geographic features that they would add to their map of Kansas and explain why they chose them.

Independent Practice:

  • Provide students with additional time to work on their maps and encourage them to discuss and collaborate with their classmates.
  • Encourage students to use the resources provided to gather additional information about the geographic features they have chosen to include on their map.
  • Once students have completed their maps, have them share their maps with the class and discuss the differences and similarities between their maps.


  • Have the students share their maps with the class and discuss the differences and similarities between their maps.
  • Review the main points of the lesson and discuss any questions students may have.


  • Collect and grade the students' maps for accuracy and completeness.
  • Use the students' participation in class discussions and group activities as a form of assessment.

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