Free You Are All You Eat. Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: You are what you eat

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the concept of healthy food and its importance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  • Pictures of various types of food (e.g. fruits, vegetables, meats, grains)
  • Handouts with information about healthy food


  • Ask students if they have heard the saying "you are what you eat". Tell them that today they will be learning more about what this saying means and the importance of eating healthy food.

Direct Instruction

  • Ask students what they think it means to be "what you eat". Record their responses on the board.
  • Explain that "you are what you eat" is a saying that emphasizes the connection between the food we eat and our health. Eating healthy food can help us to feel healthier and can prevent many diseases.
  • Ask students what healthy food is. Record their responses on the board.
  • Explain that there are many different definitions of healthy food, but that most definitions include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Healthy food is also low in sugar, fat, and calories.
  • Show students some examples of healthy and unhealthy food. Ask them to share their thoughts on what makes the food healthy or unhealthy.
  • Ask students if they have any questions about healthy food.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to come up with a list of healthy foods they enjoy.
  • Have each group share their list with the class and discuss any healthy food recommendations they have.
  • Have students create a poster with their list of healthy foods and why they are healthy. Encourage them to include information about the benefits of each food.

Independent Practice:

  • Have students choose one healthy food from their poster to research.
  • Have them create a presentation to share with the class on the benefits of their chosen food and how it can be incorporated into a healthy diet. Encourage them to use examples from the classroom discussion and their group work.


  • Have students reflect on what they have learned about healthy food and how it can affect their bodies and minds.
  • Ask them to share any insights or questions they have about the topic.
  • Encourage them to make healthy food choices for themselves and their families.


  • Observe students during the presentation and discussion to assess their understanding of the topic.
  • Ask them to list three healthy food choices they can make to benefit their physical and mental health.

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