Producers And Consumers

Topic: Producers and Consumers


    1. Students will be able to define what a producer and consumer is.

      2. Students will be able to identify examples of producers and consumers in everyday life.

        National Standards:

        • National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Standard: Production, Distribution, and Consumption
        • Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4


        • Evan Moor first grade social studies book
        • Whiteboard and markers
        • Pictures of different products and services
        • Various objects to categorize as producers or consumers


          Start the lesson by asking students: "Can you think of something you buy from the store? Where do you think it comes from?" Allow students to share their thoughts and ideas with the class.

            Direct Instruction:

              Explain to students that producers are people or companies that make goods or provide services, while consumers are people who buy goods or services. Use examples from the pictures and objects provided to help students understand the concept.

                Guided Practice:

                  Divide students into small groups and provide them with a variety of objects. Have them sort the objects into two categories: producers or consumers. Encourage students to discuss their choices with their group members and explain their reasoning.

                    Independent Practice:

                      For independent practice, students will work on a project where they have to create a poster showing examples of producers and consumers in their community. They can draw pictures or cut out images from magazines to represent different producers and consumers.


                          To wrap up the lesson, have a class discussion about what the students learned about producers and consumers. Ask students to share one new thing they learned during the lesson.


                              Assess students' understanding of the concept of producers and consumers by reviewing their posters and listening to their contributions during the class discussion.

                                Differentiation for Students with Special Needs:

                                  1. Provide visual aids such as pictures and diagrams to help students with visual impairments understand the concept.

                                    2. Offer extra support by pairing students with special needs with a peer buddy who can assist them with the sorting activity.

                                      3. Allow students to verbally share their ideas instead of writing them down for those who struggle with written expression.

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