Free Writing Opinion Using The Oreo Method Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: Using the OREO Method to Write Opinion Pieces

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to write an opinion piece using the OREO method (Opening, Ruthless criticism, Explanation, and Conclusion).


  • Writing prompts on a variety of topics (e.g. gun control, nuclear energy, organic food)
  • WriteDIkes (or other writing prompts)
  • Pencils and paper


  • Begin the lesson by asking students to think about a topic that they are passionate about and would like to write about.
  • Give them a few minutes to brainstorm and come up with a topic.
  • Once they have a topic, ask them to share their ideas with a partner.
  • Encourage them to be creative and think of as many ideas as they can.

Direct Instruction

  • Once students have had time to brainstorm, introduce the OREO method of opinion writing.
  • Explain that the OREO method stands for organization, reasons, evidence, and ointment.
  • Organization: Explain that it is important to organize our thoughts and ideas before writing.
  • Reasons: Explain that we should include reasons supporting our opinion.
  • Evidence: Explain that we should include evidence to support our reasons and opinions.
  • Ointment: Explain that we should tie our ideas together with a conclusion.
  • Provide examples of each element using the brainstormed topic.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a set of OREOs.
  • Have students use the OREOs to brainstorm ideas for their opinion writing.
  • As they brainstorm, have them use the OREO method to organize their ideas.
  • Once they have a list of ideas, have them use the OREO method to organize their ideas into a coherent opinion essay.
  • Have them use the evidence from their brainstorming to support their reasons.
  • Have them use their reasons to support their opinion.
  • Have them use a concluding sentence that ties their ideas together.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic of their choice and brainstorm ideas for their opinion writing.
  • Use the OREO method to organize their ideas.
  • Use the OREO method to organize their ideas into a coherent opinion essay.
  • Use the evidence from their brainstorming to support their reasons.
  • Use their reasons to support their opinion.
  • Use a concluding sentence that ties their ideas together.
  • Have them submit their opinion writing to the teacher for assessment.


  • Have students share their opinion writing with the class.
  • Have students give feedback to their peers using the OREO method.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and provide feedback.
  • Collect and grade the opinion writing using the OREO method.

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