7th Grade Writing A Short Story Lesson Plan (English)

Topic:writing a short story based on a reading of a short story

Objectives & Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to write a short story based on a reading of a short story.


  • Short story to be read to the class
  • Writing paper and writing utensils for each student


  • Ask the students to close their eyes and picture a scene from the short story they just read.
  • Have the students share their scene with a partner.
  • Ask the students to turn to a partner and ask them what they think would happen next in the scene they pictured.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of plot and how it relates to writing a short story.
  • Explain that a plot is the sequence of events that make up a story.
  • Introduce the three-act structure, which divides a story into three parts: the introduction, the rising action, and the climax and resolution.
  • Discuss how each part of the three-act structure plays a role in the overall story.
  • Ask the students to brainstorm ideas for their own short story using the three-act structure as a guide.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and have them begin drafting their short stories using the three-act structure as a guide.
  • Have the students share their drafts with the class and solicit feedback on their use of the three-act structure and the flow of their stories.
  • As a class, discuss the different ways in which the students used the three-act structure in their stories and the effect it has on the stories' plots.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students continue working on their short stories, completing the rough drafts and revising them using the feedback they received during the guided practice.
  • Encourage the students to discuss and collaborate on their stories, making any additional edits and adjustments as a group.


  • As a class, have the students share their completed short stories with the rest of the group.
  • Encourage the students to listen and provide feedback to their peers, giving them the opportunity to practice their reading and listening comprehension skills.


  • Observe the students during the group discussion and individual practice to assess their listening and speaking skills.
  • Collect and review the students' short stories to assess their comprehension and written expression skills.

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