Free Robin Hood By John Keats Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: Understanding historical legends and their influence on the modern world

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the historical context of legendary figures like Robin Hood, as well as their influence on modern texts.


  • Copies of the story of Robin Hood
  • Modern texts that feature Robin Hood, such as movies or books
  • Historical materials about medieval England


  • Ask students if they have ever heard of Robin Hood.
  • Ask them to describe who he is and what he does.
  • Write their answers on the board.
  • Then, explain that the story of Robin Hood is a historical legend, which means that it is based on a real person who actually lived in the past, but the details have been changed over time through storytelling.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the poem "Robin Hood" by John Keats.
  • Ask students to read the poem silently, paying attention to the language and imagery used.
  • As they read, ask them to note any details that stand out or seem interesting.
  • Then, ask them to re-read the poem, this time focusing on the themes and ideas that emerge.
  • Have students share their thoughts and impressions of the poem.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups.
  • Give each group a copy of the poem "Robin Hood" by John Keats.
  • Have them read the poem again, this time using sticky notes to mark any passages or phrases that stand out to them.
  • Have each group share their marked passages with the class and discuss why they found them significant.
  • Encourage students to use their own creativity and imagination to connect the themes, ideas, and imagery of the poem to the legend of Robin Hood.
  • Ask them to share their ideas with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Ask students to choose a passage from the poem that stood out to them and create a visual representation of it (e.g. a drawing, collage, clay model, etc.).
  • Have them present their creations to the class and explain their connection to the passage.


  • Review the main themes and characters from Robin Hood as outlined in the text and in the independent practice projects.
  • Ask students to reflect on how they can apply the themes and characters to their own lives and how they relate to the story.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice to assess understanding of the themes and characters.
  • Collect and review the written projects to assess understanding of how the themes and characters can be applied to modern texts and cultures.

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