Reading To Identify Main And Supporting Ideas Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: Reading to Identify Main and Supporting Ideas

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the main ideas in a passage.
  • Students will be able to identify supporting details in a passage.


  • Passages from a variety of sources (e.g. literature, news articles, internet articles)
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Index cards


  • Have students take out a piece of paper and write down 3-5 questions about a passage that they find interesting.
  • Have them share their questions with a partner.
  • As a class, create a list of questions about a passage.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of main ideas and supporting details.
  • Use a passage with clearly labeled main ideas and supporting details to demonstrate the concept.
  • Have students work in pairs to identify the main ideas and supporting details in the passage.
  • As a class, discuss and agree on the main ideas and supporting details in the passage.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to identify the main ideas and supporting details in a different passage.
  • As a class, discuss and agree on the main ideas and supporting details in the passage.
  • Challenge students to identify main ideas and supporting details in a more challenging passage.
  • As a class, discuss and agree on the main ideas and supporting details in the passage.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a passage to read on their own, with a list of questions about the main ideas and supporting details in the passage.
  • Have students work on the passage independently and fill in the answers on a sheet of paper.
  • After students have completed the passage and the questions, have them share their answers with the class and explain their reasoning.


  • Review the main ideas and supporting details with the students.
  • Ask the students to give examples of main ideas and supporting details in a given passage.
  • Encourage the students to apply what they have learned to their own reading and understandings.


  • Observe the students during the guided and independent practice to see if they are able to identify the main ideas and supporting details in the passages.
  • Collect the students' verbal or written answers to the questions and assess their understanding of the concept of main ideas and supporting details.

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