Persuasive Writing

Topic:Writing a persuasive piece

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a persuasive piece using persuasive language features.


  • Writing prompts on a controversial topic (e.g. cell phones should be banned in schools)
  • Suggested persuasive language features (e.g. reasoning, evidence, emotion)
  • Writing paper and pencils/pens


  • Review the concept of persuasive writing and what it means to be persuasive.
  • Ask students to brainstorm examples of persuasive writing they have encountered (e.g. political speeches, advertisements, persuasive essays in school).

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of persuasive language, explaining that it is a way of using language to persuade or convince the reader to believe or do something.
  • Provide examples of persuasive language and have students identify them (e.g. "We urge you to vote for our candidate because he has a proven track record of success, he will bring stability to the country, etc.").
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding the audience and using language that will appeal to them.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a topic and have them brainstorm ideas for a persuasive essay.
  • As they brainstorm, have them consider the audience and the language they will use.
  • After brainstorming, have students organize their ideas into a coherent essay and write it using persuasive language.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a topic and have them brainstorm ideas for a persuasive essay.
  • As they brainstorm, have them consider the audience and the language they will use.
  • After brainstorming, have students organize their ideas into a coherent essay and write it using persuasive language.


  • Have students share their persuasive essays with the class.
  • As students present, encourage them to use the persuasive language they learned in the lesson.


  • Collect the persuasive essays and assess their use of the persuasive language features.
  • Consider providing feedback and providing additional guidance as necessary.

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