Major 14, Survey In Philippine Literature With A Topic Titled My Brother's Peculiar Chicken By Alejandro R. Roces

Topic: Alejandro R. Roces' My Brother's Peculiar Chicken

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Drawing upon the theme of belief in Alejandro R. Roces' My Brother's Peculiar Chicken, students will be able to explain the importance of holding on to one's beliefs and values.


  • Copies of Alejandro R. Roces' My Brother's Peculiar Chicken for each student
  • Pencils and paper for students to take notes


  • Pass around a basket filled with different objects and ask students to each pick one object without looking at it.
  • Ask students to share with the class what object they picked and why they chose it.
  • Encourage students to share their personal experiences or stories related to holding on to beliefs or values in challenging situations.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of the lesson, "My Brother's Peculiar Chicken," and provide a brief overview of the story.
  • Discuss the importance of beliefs and values in our lives, and how they can influence our actions and decisions.
  • Discuss the different characters in the story and how they held different beliefs and how those beliefs influenced their actions and decisions.
  • Emphasize the importance of thinking critically and considering all sides of an issue or situation before making a decision.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a character from the story.
  • Have the students discuss their assigned character's beliefs and how those beliefs influenced the character's actions and decisions.
  • Have the students share their findings with the class and discuss as a group.
  • Ask the students to think about their own beliefs and how they influence their actions and decisions.
  • Have the students share their thoughts with the class and discuss as a group.

Independent Practice

  • Assign a project in which students must choose a belief that is important to them and research the impact that belief has had on their life.
  • Students should write a short essay in which they explain their chosen belief, how it has influenced their life, and any lessons they have learned from it.
  • Have the students submit their essays to the teacher for grading.


  • Review the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of believing in something and the effect that belief can have on a person's life.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they have learned about believing in themselves during the course of the lesson.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their ability to conduct a reflection on their own beliefs and the beliefs they have learned about during the course of the lesson.
  • Have the students submit their completed independent practice activities for evaluation.

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