Free 7th Grade Get To Know Each Other Lesson Plan

Topic: get to know each other

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to get to know each other by playing a bingo worksheet


  • Bingo worksheet
  • Pencils or pens


  • Ask students to introduce themselves and say one interesting fact about themselves.
  • As a class, write down the names and the interesting facts on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Ask students to take a look at the bingo cards. Tell them that they are going to be playing a game called "get to know each other," and the aim of the game is to find someone who has the same characteristics as them.
  • Explain that there are 20 squares on the bingo cards, and each square has a characteristic written on it. For example, one square might say "wears glasses," another square might say "has a pet," and another square might say "likes to read."
  • Explain that students are going to take turns calling out these characteristics, and the first person to have all of their squares filled wins the game.
  • Demonstrate how to play the game, calling out characteristics and filling in squares on a bingo card.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the bingo cards to students and have them work in pairs or small groups.
  • Tell students that they will be calling out characteristics and filling in their bingo cards, and that their partner's job is to help them identify whether or not they have a match. For example, if a student calls out "likes to read," their partner should help them identify whether or not they have a match. If they do have a match, they should mark the square on their bingo card. If they do not have a match, they should continue calling out characteristics.
  • Demonstrate how to play the game with a partner, calling out characteristics and filling in squares on a bingo card.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to call out characteristics and fill in their bingo cards.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and really get to know each other.


  • As a class, review the words on the bingo cards and the characteristics that each one represents.
  • Ask students to share any new insights about their classmates that they gained during the activity.


  • Observe students during the bingo game and use their participation and understanding of the words as an assessment of their understanding of the lesson.
  • Collect the completed bingo cards and use them to assess students' understanding of the characteristics of non-violent and violent perpetrated by, against, and among adolescents.

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