7th Grade Florante At Laura Lesson Plan

Topic: Florante at Laura

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand and interpret the story "Florante at Laura" through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing.
  • Students will be able to apply the five macroskills in their assessment of the story.


  • Copies of the story "Florante at Laura" for each student
  • Language materials such as dictionaries, translators, etc. as needed


  • Review the five macroskills and their relation to the assessment of literature.
  • Have the students listen to a short reading of the story and identify the various macroskills that they think are being used by the reader.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the story of Florante at Laura and its historical and cultural context.
  • Discuss the five macroskills and their relation to the assessment of literature, and provide examples of how each macroskill can be assessed when reading literature.
  • Have the students read and analyze the first two chapters of the story, paying attention to how the various macroskills are being used.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and have them work together to analyze a specific passage from the story, paying attention to how the various macroskills are being used.
  • Have each group present their analysis to the class, discussing how the different macroskills are being used and how they contribute to the overall understanding of the passage.
  • As a class, create a list of specific macroskill assessment tools (e.g. graphic organizers, word banks) that can be used when reading literature and assessing the five macroskills.

Independent Practice

  • For the independent practice portion of the lesson, have the students work on a project-based assignment in which they choose a specific passage from the story and create a presentation on how the five macroskills are being used in the passage.
  • Possible presentation ideas could include:
  • A graphic organizer showing the use of each macroskill in the passage
  • A podcast or video showing the students reading the passage and discussing how the macroskills are being used
  • A written analysis of the passage, highlighting the use of each macroskill
  • A written script of a skit or role-play using the passage as a basis for the activity


  • Review the objectives of the lesson and ask the students to share which macroskills they feel they have improved on since the beginning of the unit.


  • Observe the students during the role plays and group discussions and provide feedback on their use of the tagalog language and their understanding of the story.
  • Have the students write a short paragraph about what they learned about the history of the Philippines and its language through the story.

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