Free 7th Grade Examination Skills Lesson Plan

Topic:Examination skills

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate effective examination skills, including how to write a good essay exam question and how to answer a question properly.


  • Examples of good and bad exam questions
  • Blank paper and writing utensils


  • Ask students if they have ever taken an exam before.
  • Ask them to share their experiences and what they found to be the most difficult part of the exam.
  • Write their responses on the board and discuss as a class.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain the importance of being well-prepared for an exam.
  • Discuss the format and structure of different types of exams (multiple choice, essay, etc.).
  • Demonstrate proper techniques for answering multiple choice questions:
  • Read the question and all options carefully.
  • Consider the context of the question and what information is provided.
  • Make a guess if you cannot eliminate any options.
  • Consider the broader context of the material being tested and how the option you choose fits into that broader context.
  • Demonstrate proper techniques for answering essay questions:
  • Read the question and brainstorm ideas.
  • Organize your ideas using a diagram or outline.
  • Write a draft, revising as you go.
  • Ask for feedback from the teacher.

Guided Practice

  • Provide the students with practice questions from past exams and have them work in pairs to answer the questions.
  • Have the teacher circulate and provide feedback on the students' answers.
  • If appropriate, provide rubrics for the students to use to evaluate their own work.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work on a project-based independent practice activity, such as creating a study guide or practicing with sample exam questions.
  • Provide the students with a rubric to use for evaluation.


  • Review the main points covered in the lesson, including the importance of examination skills and the different types of questions that may be asked.
  • Ask the students to share their completed independent practice activity with the class and provide feedback to each other.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and assess the students' examination-style questions as a final assessment of their understanding of the topic.

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