Elagse7l4 Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Example Students

Topic: Using context clues and other strategies to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases in the Seventh-Grade reading and content.


  • Seventh-Grade texts
  • Word cards with unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
  • Flashcards with examples of context clues


  • Review the vocabulary from the previous unit and have students share examples of unknown and multiple-meaning words they encountered and how they figured out the meaning.
  • Begin a word wall with the unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases from the previous unit.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of unknown and multiple-meaning words and explain why it is important to be able to determine the meaning of these words.
  • Demonstrate various strategies for determining the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words, including:
  • Comparing the word to similar words and considering the context in which it is used
  • Using a dictionary or other word-finding tool
  • Asking a trusted adult for help
  • Have students practice using the strategies to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to come up with a list of unknown and multiple-meaning words from a given text.
  • Have each group present their list and explain their definitions to the class.
  • As a class, discuss any words that students had difficulty determining the meaning of and discuss the strategies that they used to discover the meaning.
  • Have students practice using the strategies to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words in additional texts.

Independent Practice

  • Assign a project in which students choose a topic of their choice and find several examples of unknown and multiple-meaning words in a text related to their chosen topic.
  • Have students create a chart or presentation to show the examples of -unknown and multiple-meaning words they found, their definitions, and the strategies they used to determine the meanings.
  • Have students present their projects to the class and explain their -methods for finding and understanding the unknown and multiple-meaning words.


  • Review the strategies that students learned for determining the meaning of -unknown and multiple-meaning words.
  • Ask students to share any additional strategies they learned during the -independent practice activity.


  • Observe students during the class discussion and group -discussion activities to assess their understanding of the different strategies -and their ability to apply them.
  • Evaluate students' written explanations of their -independent practice activity using a rubric.

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