Free 7th Grade Conflicts In Literary Text Lesson Plan

Topic: Conflicts in Literary Text

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and analyze the different types of conflicts in literary text, including interpersonal conflict, moral conflict, and plot conflict.


  • Examples of literary texts
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Pen and paper for each student


  • Ask the students to list several different types of conflicts they have experienced or seen in the

real world.

  • Review the list of conflicts with the students and ask them to explain why each conflict is

important and what it can reveal about a character or a situation.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of conflict in literature and explain that conflicts can be internal or

external and can occur between characters or within a character.

  • Use examples of different types of conflicts from the warm-up to illustrate the different

connotations and implications of each type of conflict.

  • Provide examples of how the type of conflict can affect the overall meaning and message

of a text.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different literary text with

some type of conflict.

  • Ask each group to discuss the type of conflict in the text and how it affects the overall

meaning and message of the text.

  • Have each group share their findings with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a literary text of their own preference that includes some type of conflict.
  • Ask students to analyze the type of conflict in the text and how it affects the overall meaning and

message of the text.

  • Have students create a presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) to share their findings with the class.


  • Review the different types of conflict discussed during the lesson and ask students to give examples of each.
  • Encourage students to think about how different types of conflict can affect the overall meaning and message of a literary text.
  • Ask students to share their thoughts on how they can personally relate to or have experienced similar conflicts as those depicted in the literary texts they have analyzed.


  • Evaluate students' participation in class discussions and their ability to identify and analyze examples of conflict in literary texts.
  • Review the reports students have written and the presentations they have made to assess their understanding of the different types of conflict and their ability to analyze their impact on the meaning and message of a literary text.

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