Free Data Processing Cycle Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: Data processing cycle

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the data processing cycle and be able to explain its steps with examples.


  • Computers with internet access
  • Examples of data (e.g. weather data, stock market data, etc.)


  • Ask students if they have ever used a computer or smart device to access any kind of data (e.g. weather data, stock market data, etc.).
  • Ask them to share their experiences and what they did on the computer or smart device.
  • Ask them to think of any questions they may have about the process of accessing data.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the data processing cycle and explain that it is the process that data goes through from the time it is collected to the time it is analyzed and used.
  • Use examples to demonstrate each step of the data processing cycle:
  • Collection: Use a real-world example of data collection, such as a weather station collecting data on temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
  • Data processing: Explain what happens to the data after it is collected. For example, the data may be processed to remove errors and adjust for anomalies.
  • Analysis: Explain how the data is analyzed and how it is used. For example, the data may be analyzed to find trends or make predictions.
  • Use the handout to review the definitions of each step of the data processing cycle.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into groups and give each group a real-world example of data collection.
  • Have the groups work together to identify the steps of the data processing cycle that occur on the example data.
  • Have each group present their findings to the class and discuss any differences or insights.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a blank data processing cycle diagram and have them complete it with the steps from the example data.
  • Have each student present their completed diagram to the class and explain their choices.


  • Review the main steps of the data processing cycle and discuss the roles of the different actors.
  • Ask students to think of examples of data processing in their own lives and discuss with the class.


  • Observe students during the guided practice activity and look for understanding of the main steps of the data processing cycle and the roles of the different actors.
  • Collect and grade the presentations created during the independent practice activity.

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