Free Principle Of Art Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic:principles of art

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and describe the three principles of art (rhythm, balance, and unity) and how they are used in artworks.


  • Examples of artworks that illustrate the principles of art (can be from any time period or culture)
  • Handout with definitions and examples of the principles of art


  • Have students close their eyes and listen to a short audio clip of music or a poem. Ask them to identify the elements that make up the piece, such as the melody, rhythm, and lyrics.
  • Next, have students share their observations and discuss how the elements they identified are used to create a cohesive work of art.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of art principles as guidelines for creating art that is balanced, organized, and expressive.
  • Using examples, demonstrate how each principle can be used to create different effects in art. For example, using the principle of balance to create a visually appealing design or using the principle of organization to create a coherent work.
  • Discuss how the principles of art can be used in different creative disciplines, such as painting, poetry, and music.

Guided Practice

  • Using examples from the direct instruction, have students work in pairs to create their own art using the principles of art.
  • Have students share their creations with the class and discuss how the principles were used to create their art.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the principles of art to focus on for a project.
  • Have students research how the principle they have chosen is used in real-world art, and then use the knowledge they have gained to create their project.
  • Have students present their projects to the class.


  • Review the six principles of art and how they are used in real-world art.
  • Ask students to share what they have learned about the principles of art during the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the principles of art.
  • Collect and review the collages created during the independent practice activity to assess their ability to apply the principles of art in a real-world context.

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