Music In Theatre Lesson Plan for 7th Grade Students

Topic: Musical theater

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the historical development of musical theater and its influence on other art forms
  • Appreciate the different styles and genres of music that are used in musical theater
  • Identify the benefits of using music in theater productions


  • Audio recordings of musical theater performances
  • Handouts on the historical development of musical theater and its influence on other art forms
  • Music samples of different styles and genres
  • Examples of theater productions that feature music


  • Have students close their eyes and listen to an audio recording of a musical theater performance. After a few minutes, have them raise their hand if they can identify the genre of music they are listening to (such as Broadway, pop, etc.). Continue with another audio recording and have the students raise their hand if they can identify the artist or show the music is from.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of musical theater and its history. Show examples of different types of musical theater (Broadway, pop, etc.) and explain the themes and characteristics of each.
  • Discuss the different art forms that influence musical theater, such as dance, acting, and design. Show examples of how these elements come together in a production.
  • Introduce the concept of live musical presentations. Discuss the differences between a live performance and a recorded version, and the challenges of presenting music live.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with a recording of a musical theater piece and some background information on the production. Have the groups discuss the piece and identify the different art forms present.
  • Have each group present their findings to the class.

Independent Practice

  • Assign each student a different musical theater piece to research and present to the class. The presentation should include information on the production, the various art forms present, and the historical context of the work.


  • Review the key concepts covered in the unit: the different art forms that are employed in theater production, the historical development of musical theater, and the importance of live musical performances.


  • Observe the student during independent practice and in the presentation of their final project. Evaluate the student's understanding of the material covered in the unit and their ability to apply that understanding in the completion of a project.

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