
Topic: Understanding the different types of maps and the information they provide

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and define the different types of maps used in geography (political, physical, thematic, etc.).
  • Students will be able to analyze a given map and classify it according to its type.


  • Assorted maps (political, physical, thematic, etc.) for the class to study
  • Handouts or worksheets with examples of each type of map
  • Markers or chalk for the students to use for classifying the maps (optional)


  • Ask the students to think of a time when they have used a map to find their way to a location.
  • Have them share their experiences with the class, and discuss how the maps they used were classified (e.g. street map, topographic map, etc.).
  • Ask the students if they were able to find the information they were looking for on the map, and if there was anything they would have liked to see on it that was missing.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of different types of maps and their uses.
  • Show examples of each type of map and discuss the features that make them unique.
  • Discuss the importance of maps in geography and how they can help us understand the world around us.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to identify and label the different types of maps shown in the example.
  • Have each pair share their work with the class and provide feedback and guidance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in small groups to create a map of their own using a map-making software program such as Google Maps or Adobe Illustrator.
  • Students should use their knowledge of map types to choose the appropriate style of map for their project.
  • Ask students to present their maps to the class and explain the choices they made and the information they include.


  • Review the different types of maps and the ways they can be used to visualize geography.
  • Ask students to share any new insights they gained about maps and how they work.


  • Observe students during the map scavenger hunt to see if they are able to correctly identify the type of map each one is.
  • Evaluate the maps students create during independent practice to assess their understanding of the different types of maps and their ability to use them effectively.

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