Free 6th Grade Compare The Relationships Among The British, French, Spanish, And Dutch In Their Struggle For Colonization Of North America. Lesson Plan

Topic: Compare the relationships among the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch in their struggle for colonization of North America.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the relationships among the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch in their struggle for colonization of North America.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast the different colonial powers and their strategies for settling and controlling North America.

Formative assessments

  • Students will complete a chart comparing and contrasting the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch colonial powers.
  • Students will create a poster illustrating the different colonization strategies of the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch.


  • Maps of North America
  • Colonial power information sheets
  • Colonial power comparison worksheets
  • Colonial power comparison chart template
  • Colonial power poster template
  • Colonial power project materials (e.g. construction paper, glue, paint)


  • Review vocabulary of colonial powers (e.g. colonizer, settlement, control, territory).
  • Ask students to think of a country that their family immigrated from and who the colonial power was.
  • Have a brief discussion about the relationship between the country of origin and the colonial power.

Direct Instruction

  • Show a map of North America and highlight the areas where the British, French, Spanish, and Dutch settled.
  • Discuss the reasons for each colonial power's interest in North America and the strategies they used to establish settlements.
  • Use primary sources such as maps, journals, and letters to reinforce the content.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a colonial power to focus on.
  • Have the groups research their colonial power and present their findings to the class using the primary sources.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one colonial power to focus on and research that power on their own.
  • Have students create a project that shows the relationships among the colonial powers in North America, such as a timeline, a map, or a poster.


  • Have students share their projects with the class.
  • Review the main points of the lesson, including the motivations and relationships among the colonial powers in North America.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the topic.
  • Have students complete a written assessment, either a short answer or short essay question about the main points of the lesson.
  • Have students create a Venn diagram or flow chart to show their understanding of the similarities and differences among the colonial powers and their relationships to each other and to the native people.

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