Teamwork And Collaboration

Topic: Teamwork and Collaboration

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate the skills of active listening and good collaboration as they work together on a team project.


  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers or crayons


  • Ask students to think of a time when they worked well as a team with their friends. Have them share their experiences with the class.
  • Explain that today they will be learning how to be better teammates and collaborate more effectively when working on a team project.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of active listening and explain that it is a way of listening carefully to what the other person is saying without interrupting them.
  • Demonstrate active listening by listening to a classmate speak for several minutes without interrupting them.
  • Encourage the rest of the class to also demonstrate active listening by listening to their classmates without interrupting them.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students each.
  • Give each group one copy of the listening activity worksheet.
  • Have each group take turns reading the short scenarios out loud to each other and then discussing what they would do in each scenario.
  • As a class, review some of the scenarios and discuss what the students should do in each scenario.

Independent Practice

  • Divide the class into three or four teams.
  • Give each team one copy of the listening activity worksheet.
  • Have each team take turns reading the short scenarios out loud to each other and then discussing what they would do in each scenario.
  • As a class, review some of the scenarios and discuss what the students should do in each scenario.


  • Review the importance of listening and using appropriate vocabulary when speaking with others.
  • Encourage the students to listen closely and use appropriate language when speaking with their teammates during the team listening activity.


  • Observe the students during the team listening activity and provide feedback on their ability to actively listen and use appropriate language.

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