6th Grade Finding Your Get-Up-And-Go Lesson Plan

Topic: Finding Your Get-Up-and-Go

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify different sources of energy and how to manage them for different situations.
  • Students will be able to identify ways to revive their personal energy when it is low.


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handouts with examples of different sources of energy and ways to manage them
  • Blank paper and pencils or pens for students to work on the self-reflection activity


  • Share the following statement: "Our energy is what gives us the strength and enthusiasm to do the things we love. Sometimes our energy can be low, and we might not feel like doing anything. It is important to know how to manage our energy and how to revive it when it is low."

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of energy management and how it relates to our self-concept.
  • Discuss the importance of managing our energy and how it can affect our mood and behavior.
  • Explain how to recognize when our energy is low and how to revive it.
  • Provide examples of how to manage and revive personal energy.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to identify times when their energy is low and how they can revive it.
  • Have them share their ideas with the class and discuss how they can use these strategies in the future.
  • Encourage students to come up with their own personal energy management plan and how they can use it in their daily lives.
  • Assist students as needed in developing their plans.

Independent Practice

  • For the independent practice portion of the lesson, have students create a visual representation of their personal energy management plan.
  • Ideas could include a poster, a collage, or a short video.
  • Encourage students to be creative and have fun with this part of the lesson.


  • Review the key concepts of the lesson, including the importance of energy management, the role of personal energy in our self-concept, and the strategies for managing and reviving personal energy.
  • Ask students to share their personal energy management plans with the class and discuss how they can support one another in staying energized throughout the school day.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and give feedback on their personal energy management plans.
  • Collect and review the group energy management posters to assess understanding of the importance of energy management and the connection between personal energy and our self-concept.

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