Weather And The Water Cycle Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Example Students

Topic: Weather and the water cycle

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain how energy from the sun drives the water cycle and causes weather patterns, and how weather and climate are related.


  • Flashlight or other light source
  • Jar or other container with water
  • Thermometer or other temperature sensor
  • Chart paper
  • Pen or pencil for each student


  • Ask students if they have ever experienced a thunderstorm or other type of weather event. Ask them to describe what happened and how they knew that weather event was coming.
  • Draw a simple weather map on the chart paper, with lines indicating different types of weather (e.g. cloudy, clear, rain, etc.)

Direct Instruction

  • Tell students that weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
  • Explain that the water cycle is the continuous process by which water circulates through the atmosphere, the earth's surface, and the earth's interior.
  • Show students the handout with pictures and descriptions of different types of weather. Go through each type of weather and explain how it is caused by interactions between the sun, ocean, atmosphere, and ice. For example, cloudy weather can be caused by the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere, which absorbs and reflects sunlight.
  • Use the weather map to point out the different types of weather that are occurring in the area.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to identify the type of weather in each of the five categories (clear, cloudy, rainy, snowy, and calm).
  • As a class, create a weather chart using the five categories and write a brief explanation for each category.
  • Have students share their weather charts with the class and discuss any differences or similarities.

Independent Practice

  • Project-Based: Have students research a specific type of weather and create a informational poster about it.
  • Project-Based: Have students create a weather forecast for a specific day using information about the current conditions and their predictions for the next day.
  • Project-Based: Have students create a model of the water cycle using materials such as clay, cardboard, and paper.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and have students share their projects.
  • Ask students to summarize what they have learned about weather and the water cycle.


  • Observation of weather conditions and patterns over a period of time
  • Written reports and presentations on their independent project
  • Oral reports on the main points of the lesson.

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