6th Grade Ecosystem Balancing Lesson Plan

Topic: Ecosystem balancing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand and explain the concept of ecosystem balancing and the roles of different organisms, nutrients, and energy in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with information about different organisms, nutrients, and energy in a ecosystem
  • Colored pencils or markers


  • Get the students to get into small groups and give each group a piece of paper and a colored pen. Ask them to draw a diagram of an ecosystem and label the different parts, such as the producers, consumers, and decomposers. After a few minutes, have each group share their diagram with the rest of the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the students that an ecosystem is a community of living organisms and its environment that interact with each other.
  • Tell them that in order for an ecosystem to remain balanced, there must be a balance between producers, consumers, and decomposers.
  • Producers are organisms that produce their own food. Examples include plants, which use sunlight to make their own food through photosynthesis, and certain bacteria, which can produce their own food using chemicals in their environment.
  • Consumers are organisms that get their food by eating other organisms. Examples include herbivores, which only eat plants, and carnivores, which only eat other animals.
  • Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organisms and waste material and turn them into nutrients that can be used by producers or consumers. Examples include fungi and certain bacteria.
  • Explain that in the human body, there is also a balancing act between different organs and systems, such as the brain, heart, and lungs.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs or small groups and give each group a handout with pictures of different producers, consumers, and decomposers.
  • Ask the students to identify which organisms are producers, which are consumers, and which are decomposers.
  • Have the students share their answers with the class and discuss any disagreements.
  • Encourage the students to use their knowledge of the human body to think about how the different organs and systems work together to maintain a healthy balance.
  • Ask the students to think about their own bodies and how different organs and systems work together to maintain a healthy balance.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen, and ask them to draw and label a simple ecosystem containing producers, consumers, and decomposers.
  • Ask the students to think about how the different organisms in their ecosystem balance each other and make sure there is a healthy balance.
  • Encourage the students to be creative and think outside the box.


  • Ask the students to share their ecosystems with the class and explain how they balance each other.
  • Review the key points of the lesson and ask the students to give one example of how each organism in an ecosystem balances the other.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice activity and make a note of their understanding of the concept of ecosystem balancing.
  • Collect the students' diagrams of balancing ecosystems and assess their understanding of the process by looking at the information they have included and the relationships they have shown between the organisms.

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