Create Programs In Scratch Using If-Else Structure Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Example Students

Topic: Create programs in Scratch using if-else structure

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to create simple programs in Scratch using if-else structure
  • Students will be able to use if-else structure to create interactive programs


  • Scratch programming platform and software
  • Computer monitors or projector for sharing Scratch projects
  • Handouts with examples and exercises


  • Ask students to share what they know about programming and Scratch.

-Write the following statements on the board:

"If it is raining, I will bring my umbrella."

"If it is not raining, I will not bring my umbrella."

Ask students to discuss the logic behind each statement and how the statements can be implemented in a program.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the if-else structure and explain how it can be used to make decisions in a program.
  • Use the statements from the warm-up activity as an example and show how they can be implemented using if-else in Scratch.
  • Demonstrate how to create conditional statements using if-else and how to use them to control the behavior of a character or object in a program.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with a different set of actions for the character or object.
  • Have the students work together to create a program using if-else to control the character or object and make it perform the actions provided.
  • Have the students present their programs to the class and discuss how the if-else structure was used to make decisions and control the behavior of the character or object.

Independent Practice:

  • Provide each student with a different set of actions for the character or object and have them create a program using if-else to control the behavior of the character or object and make it perform the provided actions.
  • Encourage the students to be creative and think about how they can use if-else to control the character or object in different ways.


  • Have the students share their programs with the class and discuss how they used if-else to control the behavior of the character or object.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the if-else structure and their ability to create simple programs in Scratch.

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