Free 6th Grade Aquaponics In Ancient Times Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Ancient Aquaponics

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain how ancient farmers used aquaponics to grow crops.


  • Images of ancient aquaponic systems
  • Diagrams of how these systems worked
  • specimens of plants and fish commonly grown in aquaponic systems


  • Ask students what they know about aquaponics.
  • Ask them to share any experiences they have had with aquaponics.
  • Explain that aquaponics is a method of farming that combines raising fish and growing plants in the same system.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students pictures or videos of aquaponics systems. Ask them to describe what they see.
  • Ask students what crops might be grown in an aquaponics system. Write their ideas on the board.
  • Explain that ancient farmers may not have had access to modern technologies, such as filters and pumps, to help keep their aquaponics systems healthy. Ask students what challenges ancient farmers might have faced when trying to grow plants and raise fish in the same system.
  • Have students work in pairs to brainstorm ways that ancient farmers might have addressed those challenges. Encourage them to be creative and think of any materials or methods that they might have had available to them.
  • Write the students' ideas on the board.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to research and create a short presentation on one ancient farmer's aquaponics system. Encourage them to include information about the farmer's challenges, solutions, and any materials or methods that they might have used.
  • During class time, have each group present their farmer's aquaponics system to the rest of the class.

Independent Practice

  • For their project, have students create their own aquaponics system based on the methods of one ancient farmer that they researched during guided practice. Encourage them to be creative and think about how they can incorporate materials and methods that are available to them.
  • Encourage students to document their aquaponics system and how it works, preferably through a diagram or drawing.


  • Have students share their aquaponics systems and how they work with the class.
  • As a class, discuss the importance of aquaponics in ancient times and how it can be used today as a way to grow food without using a lot of land or water.


  • Observe students during the modeling and independent practice activities to see if they are able to accurately and effectively simulate an aquaponics system.
  • Collect and review the individual projects to assess each student's understanding of the concept of aquaponics and their ability to apply it in a historical context.

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