Free 6th Grade Runt By Marion Dane Bauer Lesson Plan (Reading)

Topic: Runt by Marion Dane Bauer

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to comprehend the first two chapters of the story, including the vocabulary with context clues.


  • Copies of the story Runt by Marion Dane Bauer
  • Vocabulary list
  • Flashcards with the vocabulary words on one side and context clue phrases on the other side
  • Pencils and paper for taking notes


  • Review the concept of context clues and how they can help us understand unfamiliar words in a sentence. Ask students to give examples of unfamiliar words they have come across while reading and how they figured out the meaning.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin reading the first two chapters of Runt by Marion Dane Bauer, stopping every few pages to discuss the vocabulary with context clues. As you come across unfamiliar words, ask students to try to identify the context in which the word appears and use the clues to help them guess at the meaning. As a class, discuss the meaning of the word and how it fits into the overall sentence structure.

Guided Practice:

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a copy of the passage to read. Have them use the context clues to help them guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and then use the dictionary to verify their guesses.
  • As a class, discuss any words that were difficult to understand and ways that the group could have used context clues to help them understand the meaning.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students choose a passage from a book they have read and create a glossary of any words they don't know the meaning of. They can use context clues to help them guess the meaning of the words, and then they can use the dictionary to verify their guesses. Encourage them to be creative and include illustrations or definitions in their glossaries.


  • Review the main points of the lesson, including the importance of context clues and the dictionary in reading, and the strategies for using these tools effectively.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about context clues and the dictionary during the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure they are using context clues and the dictionary effectively.
  • Have students complete a written assessment, either a quiz or a worksheet with questions related to the story, to assess their understanding of the concepts covered in the lesson.

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